South Gate Dental Clinic
8617 California Ave
South Gate, CA 90280
(323) 999-BEST

Full-Arch Restoration Transforming Smiles with Advanced Technology

Facial bone contouring has greatly advanced through the integration of 3D printing and computer-assisted surgery (CAS). These technologies allow for precise preoperative planning and virtual simulation, enhancing surgical accuracy and efficiency. Together, they have revolutionized facial bone contouring, delivering highly customized results with improved precision and patient satisfaction.

Streamlined Protocol for Full-Arch Implant Restorations

A streamlined protocol for full-arch implant restorations involves a comprehensive approach to efficiently restore a patient's entire dental arch. Initial assessments include digital scans and imaging to plan implant placement accurately. Surgical procedures, often guided by computer-assisted technology, minimize invasiveness and optimize outcomes, while prosthetic fabrication and placement are streamlined for quicker, more predictable results.

Post-surgical care focuses on monitoring healing progress and ensuring the long-term success of the restoration. By integrating advanced technology and efficient protocols, dental professionals can offer patients a streamlined process for full-arch implant restorations, resulting in improved patient satisfaction and enhanced treatment outcomes.

What is a Full-Arch Restoration Procedure?

A full-arch restoration procedure involves the comprehensive replacement of a patient's entire dental arch with dental implants and prosthetic teeth. This process typically begins with thorough evaluations and treatment planning, followed by surgical placement of dental implants in the jawbone. After a healing period, custom-made prosthetic teeth are securely attached to the implants, restoring both function and aesthetics to the patient's smile.

Full Mouth Rehabilitation Utilising the Shortened Dental Arch Concept

Full mouth rehabilitation utilizing the shortened dental arch concept involves restoring oral function and aesthetics while considering the principles of occlusion and natural tooth preservation. This approach aims to maintain a stable and functional dental arch with fewer teeth, prioritizing essential functions like chewing and speaking. Treatment may include selective extractions, dental implants, and prosthetic restorations tailored to achieve optimal occlusion and support facial harmony. By focusing on preserving natural teeth and restoring only essential functions, this concept offers a conservative yet effective approach to full mouth rehabilitation, improving overall oral health and quality of life for patients.

Ready to transform your smile and enhance your oral health?
Call now to schedule your appointment with our expert dental team.

(323) 999-BEST

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Get Directions Now!
South Gate Dental Clinic
8617 California Ave
South Gate, CA 90280, USA

We provide comprehensive dental care in a warm and welcoming environment. Come visit us today! Your smile is our top priority.


Contact Info

  • 8617 California Ave.
    South Gate, CA
  • Phone: (310) 666-5701
  • Email:

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