South Gate Dental Clinic
8617 California Ave
South Gate, CA 90280
(323) 999-BEST

Revitalize Your Smile with Expert Periodontics Osseous Surgery

Embark on a journey to optimal oral wellness through our cutting-edge Periodontics Osseous Surgery. Our skilled team utilizes advanced techniques to address bone-related issues, ensuring a foundation for lasting dental health and a confident smile.

Discover personalized care and transformative results as we prioritize your comfort and well-being. With a commitment to excellence, our periodontal experts tailor Osseous Surgery to your unique needs, fostering a healthier environment for your teeth and gums. Elevate your dental experience with our precision and expertise.

How is Osseous Surgery Performed?

Osseous surgery, also known as pocket reduction surgery, is a dental procedure that aims to eliminate or reduce pockets formed by gum disease . The procedure involves cutting back your gums, removing bacteria, and repairing damaged bone . The main goal of osseous surgery is to reduce the pockets around your teeth so plaque and bacteria can’t hide there .

What is Osseous Surgery?

Osseous surgery is performed under local anesthesia . The dentist will make small incisions in your gums to access the roots of your teeth . They will then remove the bacteria and tartar from the pockets around your teeth . If there is any damaged bone, they will smooth it out or remove it . Finally, they will stitch your gums back into place .

Benefits of Osseous Surgery

Osseous surgery can help prevent tooth loss and improve your overall oral health . By removing the pockets around your teeth, you can reduce the risk of gum disease and tooth decay . Additionally, osseous surgery can help improve the appearance of your teeth and gums .

Recovery and Aftercare

After osseous surgery, you may experience some pain and swelling . Your dentist may prescribe pain medication or recommend over-the-counter pain relievers . You should also avoid hard or crunchy foods for a few days after surgery . Additionally, you should brush and floss your teeth gently and avoid smoking or using tobacco products . Your dentist will provide you with detailed aftercare instructions to help you recover quickly and safely .

Ready to transform your smile and enhance your oral health?
Call now to schedule your appointment with our expert dental team.

(323) 999-BEST

Contact Us
Get Directions Now!
South Gate Dental Clinic
8617 California Ave
South Gate, CA 90280, USA

We provide comprehensive dental care in a warm and welcoming environment. Come visit us today! Your smile is our top priority.


Contact Info

  • 8617 California Ave.
    South Gate, CA
  • Phone: (310) 666-5701
  • Email:

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